Why Consult?

One can never underestimate the difference that a full head of hair can make when it comes to self-esteem and confidence. Unfortunately, not everyone is blessed with a full head of hair.

If you experience any degree of hair loss, whether due to a medical condition or medications, genetics, or other cause, a hair loss consultation with a dermatologist can help give you hope! Thinning hair can be a thing of the past with today’s hair rejuvenation techniques.

What Should I Expect at a Hair Loss Consultation?

During your personalized consultation, your doctor will thoroughly review your medical history and assess your condition, which may include diagnostic testing such as a dermoscopy and bloodwork. A thorough scalp examination will be performed so please ensure that your hair is loose and your scalp is easily accessible. Then, they will determine the best method or combination of methods to help restore hair. After explaining your options, they will partner with you to develop a treatment plan that fits your lifestyle and hair restoration goals.

What Common Hair Loss Procedures Will Be Discussed?

Your hair loss specialist will review the latest in restoration methods that may help you, depending on the cause of your condition. This may include research-based supplements, hair cleansing and growth factors, laser therapies, and even salon treatments from a hair stylist that understands hair loss.

Where Can I Book a Hair Loss Consultation?

For the best in state-of-the-art hair rejuvenation methods, turn to experienced dermatologist, Dr. Marthe Dika!

Dr. Dika has successfully helped many patients experience the joy from hair restoration and the confidence that comes with it! Call us today at 414-433-7692 to get scheduled. From barely there to a head full of hair, you’ll be glad you did!